Four pictures in a collage. Palmyra Atoll by K. Mahorney, Acropolis in Athens by M. Warren, Big Ben at night by A. Rasmussen and White Cliffs of Dover (kids with legs in air) by E. Anderson
From 2022 photo contest: Palmyra Atoll by K. Mahorney, Acropolis in Athens by M. Warren, Big Ben in London at Night by A. Rasmussen, and White Cliffs of Dover by E. Anderson.

Applications Still Being Accepted for 2024-2025

  • London Centre - Winter and Spring Terms - Only a couple of spots remain!
  • Affiliated Programs - Spring Semester - We will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis. LU applications for these programs will be due exactly one month before the corresponding program application.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Application Deadlines for Off-Campus Study

  • Early November - Japan Study and Oxford University applications due
  • Late January / Early February - All affiliated program applications due (except Japan Study and Oxford)
  • Late February - London Centre applications due
  • Late March / Early April - Senegal applications due, if applicable
  • Early April - OCP Scholarship application due
  • The Off-Campus Programs application including completed recommendations must be submitted one month before the program provider's deadline for Spring semester applications. 


  • Any student who will have sophomore status at the time of their off-campus program is invited to apply. Please note that some programs may impose their own class standing requirements.
  • Students must be in good academic standing and able to pass a conduct review. Additionally, students on academic or disciplinary probation in the term prior to their program will not be allowed to participate regardless of their standing at the time of application.
  • Student's proposed off-campus program must not stand in the way of student's degree progression.
  • Student must show academic preparedness for program; any pre-requisites must be met.

Applying to Off-Campus Programs

  • Go to the Off-Campus Programs Application System and complete an application. You will need your LU credentials to log on to the site. You can save and return to your application as often as needed before submitting.
  • For more information on what the different application components entail, go to our SharePoint Application Information page.
  • Most programs require a second application through the third-party program provider. Deadlines vary by program. More information can be found through the programs' information pages (linked from our Approved Programs list).
  • London Centre and Senegal programs only require one application - as they are Lawrence-run programs.

Take an inside look at the Lawrence OCP application

Curious to know what the Lawrence Off-Campus Programs application looks like before you open one? Go to our Application Information page on our SharePoint site.