With affiliated programs, your financial aid will carry over and credits will transfer back to Lawrence.

If you have any questions on the programs below, please contact OffCampusPrograms@lawrence.edu or request an appointment.

Japan Study (G)

Japan -

Tags: Art History, Chinese and Japanese, East Asian Studies, Global Studies, Linguistics, Religious Studies


This ACM/GLCA program places students at Waseda University's School of International Liberal Studies in Tokyo, pursuing language study and English-taught Asian studies elective courses. A family-living experience in Tokyo and a month-long cultural internship provides an invaluable education in Japanese culture.

Satisfies Requirement(s):

GER Global Diversity


At least one term of Japanese study is required, and preference is given to applicants who will be participating during their junior year. Selection is competitive and a minimum GPA of 3.0 strictly required.

For more information:


Important Details

Duration and Application Information:

Offering Duration: Year, Semester
Offering Note: The program is recommended to students for a full-year, though applications are considered for fall semester only.
This program has an early application deadline of November 7, 2023, for any term during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Direct admission is available for this program.

Language(s) of Coursework:

Primary: Japanese
Secondary: English

Open an application to get started!