Whether you want to try something for the first time, or dive deep into your area of study, our courses offer you the opportunity to shine a light on what interests you. 

Please note: The Course Catalog should be used for all official planning. 

ART - Studio Art

ART 100: Introduction to 3D Art

An introduction to studio art and the fundamental principles of 3-Dimensional design. Projects, lectures, readings, class discussions, and critiques examine elements of three-dimensional and time-based design. Historic and contemporary approaches are considered as well as the evolution of technology and the continuum of visual expression. Emphasis is placed on developing the practical and critical thinking skills required in art-making.
Units: 6

ART 105: Introduction to Computer Design

An introduction to computer design utilizing the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, & Premiere) programs, emphasizing the creative development and implementation through a variety of 2D, 3D, & 4D media. Class work is based on exercises that strengthen visual research capabilities, design aesthetics, and output techniques with a variety of programs and equipment. Assigned projects address fundamental technical and conceptual problems suggested through artistic and commercial practice. Lectures, readings, discussions, and critiques explore elements of concept and design pertinent to design mediums and platforms.
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 105

ART 110: Introduction to 2D Art

An introduction to 2-Dimensional mediums, emphasizing the development of the observational and critical thinking skills important to art-making. Class work is based on exercises that strengthen visual research capabilities, drawing abilities, and mark-making techniques with a variety of tools. Assigned projects address fundamental technical and conceptual problems suggested by historical and contemporary artistic practice. Lectures, readings, discussions, and critiques explore elements of concept and design pertinent to 2-Dimensional mediums.
Units: 6

ART 115: Special Topics in Art

Explores a particular topic of current interest in contemporary art at an introductory level. Topics may vary with each offering of the course. Possible topics include: collage, mixed-mixed, conceptual art, post-studio practices, community arts practice, art-based activism depending on faculty expertise and student interests. There are no prerequisites for this course. May be repeated when topic is different.
Units: 6

ART 120: Image and Sound I

A basic introduction to the fundamental forms, concepts, terminology, and techniques of filmmaking, contextualized within a critical/historical framework. Students explore multiple approaches to creating meaning through readings, screenings, lectures, discussions, and critiques, paired with video exercises and hands-on instruction.
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 120

ART 125: Interdisciplinary Media

A course designed to provide students an opportunity to study interdisciplinary approaches to art making and knowledge seeking. Topics will vary based on instructors' areas of expertise and interests. May be repeated for credit when topic is different.
Units: 1 TO 98
Also listed as Film Studies 110

ART 191: Directed Study in Studio Art

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 195: Internship in Studio Art

The internship will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic process and growth. It will encourage innovation and resourcefulness while facilitating an entrepreneurial and informed approach to future creative pursuits. Students should expect to gain "real world" experience and professional connections as well as skills and insights they can apply directly to their creative projects in the classroom and beyond. Students will work on an individual basis with a faculty supervisor, internship site supervisor, and the Career Center to design, implement and evaluate their academic experience. The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 200: Painting

An introduction to painting as a means of visual expression. Topics include technical and formal principles of painting with an emphasis on individual conceptual development. Water-based mediums are used to explore color theory, color mixing, brushwork and styling, image surface, composition, and visual communication. Mixed media and experimentation of materials is encouraged to expand beyond traditional painting practices. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 212: Drawing

An exploration of drawing as a contemporary art medium with an emphasis on observational self-expression. Students will examine various modes of representation centered on the technical and creative aspects of mark-making. Mixed media and experimental elements are encouraged for those students wishing to expand the boundaries of traditional drawing media. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 213: Special Topics - High Art: Intoxication and the Visual Arts

This studio art course will explore the imagery and iconography, the myth and the meaning artists have placed on intoxicating substances from coffee and cigarettes, to wine and beer, to absinthe and gin, to the psychedelic art of the 1960s, through the myriad examples present in contemporary art via drawing, journaling, and presentations. May be repeated when topic is different. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level ART course or instructor approval
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level ART course or instructor approval

ART 220: Printmaking

An introduction to printmaking including three or more of the following processes: monoprint, pressure print, stencil, linocut, woodcut, silk screen, and digital printmaking. There is a strong emphasis on conceptual development with practical application of both traditional and contemporary practices in printmaking. Single and multiple color printing techniques, formal issues, as well as printmaking as a form of visual expression are explored in detail. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 222: Artist Books

Artist books are explored in a variety of forms including accordions, exposed and non-adhesive bindings, pop-ups, box making and alternative structures. Letterpress along with other forms of printmaking and surface treatments will be used. Techniques of cutting, folding, sewing, gluing, printing and working in dimension are examined in detail. Unique content is expected for each project. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 223: Image and Sound II

A continuation of FIST 120 with expanded instruction in image design, sound design, sequencing, and concept development. Historical development of the medium and contemporary approaches to creative expression, representational ethics, and audience are emphasized through exercises, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and critiques, culminating in a final video project. PREREQUISITES: FIST 120 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 220
Prerequisite: FIST 120 or consent of instructor

ART 224: Sound Design

An introduction to film sound studies paired with hands-on exploration of cinematic audio recording and editing techniques, with emphasis on sound/image relationships and the use of sound to create meaning. Students will engage in close readings of critical and theoretical texts, view and discuss film screenings, and produce a series of short audio and video exercises, culminating in a final video project showcasing the creative use of film sound. PREREQUISITES: FIST 120 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 222
Prerequisite: FIST 120 or consent of instructor

ART 225: Special Topics in Printmaking

This course provides an introduction to specific peripheral processes of printmaking like papermaking, letterpress printing, and digital printmaking processes and applications. The focus is on research and studio practice in regards to printmaking as an art form with special emphasis on craft and conceptual development. Traditional and contemporary practices in each medium are explored in detail.

Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 100 or ART 110

ART 226: Topics in Artist Books

This course provides an introduction to specific peripheral processes of artist books like paper engineering (pop-ups & movables), historical bindings, box construction, surface treatments & application, letterpress printing, and digital printmaking processes. The focus is on research and studio practice in regards to artist books as an art form with special emphasis on craft and conceptual development. Traditional and contemporary practices in each medium are explored in detail.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: 100 level art course

ART 230: Photography

An introduction to traditional black-and-white darkroom photography within a fine art context. Medium-format and 35mm SLR camera operations are covered along with darkroom instruction on processing film and making gelatin silver prints. Historic and contemporary ideas about photography as a medium are examined through projects, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 231
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 240: New Media in Art

An introduction to new media within a fine art context. Digital photography, experimental video, sound, photo book design, and blogging are covered as students use the Internet as a venue for presenting projects. The evolution of technology, new media theory, contemporary art discourse, and visual culture are examined through projects, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. Mac-based. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 240
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 245: InterArts: installations

In this course students make projects that engage with space. Lectures, discussions, readings, and critiques will investigate contemporary interdisciplinary practices that involve site-specific installation of works of art, everyday objects, performances, projections, etc. Interactive works and immersive virtual reality will also be considered. Students will create a self-designed installation project that will be planned and executed over the duration of the term. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100, ART 100, ART 105, or ART 110, or consent of instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Also listed as Film Studies 245
Prerequisite: FIST 100, ART 100, ART 105, or ART 110, or consent of instructor

ART 250: Ceramics

An introduction to the basic working methods of ceramics through hand-building techniques. Emphasis will be placed on conceptual development, sensitivity to three-dimensional form, and technical skills of surface and glazing. Lectures, readings, and individual research treat historical and contemporary approaches to expressive work in the ceramic medium. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 256: Special Topics in Ceramics

This course is a combination of research and studio practice. Through lectures, readings and discussions the class will survey the history of ceramics with the goal of informing the studio work for the course. Students will engage in independent research to develop ideas and critical thinking as well as building on a variety of ceramic skills to create a personal body of work. When scheduled on Tuesday-Thursday, class will dismiss early for University Convocations.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course or consent of instructor

ART 270: Sculpture

An introduction to the concepts and processes of sculpture, including work in casting, carving, woodworking, assemblage, and mold-making. Discussions will focus on contemporary sculpture and technical/conceptual development. PREREQUISITES: Any 100-level Studio Art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 100-level Studio Art course

ART 300: Intermediate Painting

A continuation of ART 200, exploring more complex principles of visual expression. Emphasis on oil-based painting techniques, historic and contemporary practices, pictorial structure, formal and theoretical interactions with a strong focus on conceptual development. PREREQUISITES: ART 200
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 200

ART 311: The Figure in Studio Art

An exploration of the use of the human form in contemporary art. Work includes figure studies in two- and three-dimensional media and advanced-level works on paper and sculptures based on these studies. Includes work with live models. PREREQUISITES: ART 100 and any 200 level studio art course
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 100 and any 200 level studio art course

ART 312: Intermediate Drawing

An emphasis on a more refined exploration of various models of the formal, conceptual, and personal modes of expression including issues of stylization, abstraction, and mixed media. Students will develop a cohesive body of work informed by an awareness of historical art movements and contemporary uses of the medium. PREREQUISITES: ART 210 or ART 212
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 210 or ART 212

ART 318: Topics in Interdisciplinary Art

A course designed to provide students an opportunity to study interdisciplinary approaches to art making and knowledge seeking. Topics will vary based on the faculty member's areas of expertise and interests. May be repeated for credit when topic is different.

Topic for Fall 2024: CREATIVE PRODUCING
PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor. In this course, students will explore the fundamentals of producing through proposing and workshopping a self-designed short film/video concept. Topics will include creative development, budgeting, grant writing, pitching, preproduction, and distribution. Students will also explore career paths and create professional materials tailored to their individual goals, such as an artist statement, resumé or CV, filmmaker bio, sample reel, exhibition plan, and FilmFreeway filmmaker page. This course is highly recommended for Film Studies majors planning to complete a creative project for their senior capstone, but is also open to students who wish to develop other ambitious film/video projects in any mode, including nonfiction, fiction, animation, and video installation

Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 318
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or instructor approval

ART 319: Principles of Editing

A theoretical and practical introduction to connecting images and sound in a compelling way. The goal is to promote understanding of film, video, and new media as tools for creative expression and to help students think critically and make informed choices about editing. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 319
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 320: Intermediate Printmaking

A continuation of ART 220, exploring traditional and contemporary techniques in printmaking, with an emphasis on color and combination printing specific to the aesthetic characteristics of each process. Three or more of the following processes are used to enhance the conceptual and visual narrative inherent to this graphic medium, including collagraph, intaglio, plate and stone lithography, and relief. PREREQUISITES: ART 220 or ART 225
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 220 or ART 225

ART 322: Intermediate Artist Books

A continuation of ART 222, exploring historical and contemporary bindings, and letterpress printing with an emphasis on conceptual ties between structure, process, and function. Additional surface treatments and printing techniques are used in conjunction with altered, collaborative, dimensional, movable books, and historical binding. More advanced techniques of binding, printing, and working in dimension are examined in detail to enhance the conceptual and visual narrative inherent to this sequential medium. PREREQUISITES: ART 222 or ART 226
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 222 or ART 226

ART 330: Intermediate Photography

A continuation of ART 230 with an introduction to pinhole and 4x5 view cameras along with expanded darkroom instruction on sheet film processing and the cyanotype print. The history of photography and contemporary art issues related to the medium are examined through projects, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. PREREQUISITES: ART 230
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 331
Prerequisite: ART 230

ART 340: Intermediate New Media in Art

A continuation of Art 240 or 245 using new media within a contemporary art context. Digital photography, experimental video, social media, performance, and installation are covered while using the Internet and campus spaces as venues for projects. Contemporary art discourse is examined through projects, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. Mac-based. PREREQUISITES: ART 240 or ART 245
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 340
Prerequisite: ART 240 or ART 245

ART 350: Intermediate Ceramics

A continuation of hand-building techniques, wheel-throwing, and mold-making with additional research into clay and glaze formulation firing methods. Emphasis will be placed on development of content and a personal vocabulary. An expanded survey, artist research, and critical readings will examine ceramics as a form of contemporary visual expression. PREREQUISITES: ART 250 or ART 255
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 250 or ART 255

ART 365: Intermediate Topics in Studio Art

A course designed to provide students an opportunity to study important issues in contemporary art not covered in other regularly offered classes. Topics will vary based on the faculty member's areas of expertise and interests. May be repeated for credit when topic is different.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Any 200-level studio art course

ART 370: Intermediate Sculpture

A continuation of the concepts and techniques introduced in ART 270, with emphasis on students' development of a personal visual language. Materials and processes covered include: mold-making, casting, metal fabrication, plastics, woodworking, and mixed media. Areas of examination include site-specific art, public sculpture, multiples and installation. PREREQUISITES: ART 270
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 270

ART 371: Documentary Forms

This course presents a broad overview of contemporary and historical documentary filmmaking practice through readings, screenings, discussion, and short video projects. Students will engage with critical dialogues and explore several distinct approaches to documentary production, including rhetorical, observational, participatory, and reflexive forms, culminating in a completed short documentary. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 371
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 372: Avant-Doc

An exploration of personal, experimental, and emerging approaches to documentary filmmaking through video projects, readings, screenings, lecture, discussion, and critique. This course examines both contemporary practice and historical intersections among filmmaking traditions, with a focus on engaging with critical dialogues and diverse ways of articulating relationships between maker, subject, and audience. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 370
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 373: Animated Documentary

This course examines animated documentary as an emerging hybrid form that raises unique ethical considerations and interesting possibilities for representation and expression. Through readings, screenings, and creative exercises, students will learn several animation techniques and examine both contemporary practice and historical antecedents, with a focus on engaging with critical dialogues and diverse ways of articulating relationships between maker, subject, and audience. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 372
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 390: Tutorial in Studio Art

Offered for intermediate and advanced study in studio art. Apply to the instructor at least one term in advance with written proposal and a preliminary bibliography. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 391: Directed Study in Studio Art

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 395: Internship in Studio Art

The internship will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic process and growth. It will encourage innovation and resourcefulness while facilitating an entrepreneurial and informed approach to future creative pursuits. Students should expect to gain "real world" experience and professional connections as well as skills and insights they can apply directly to their creative projects in the classroom and beyond. Students will work on an individual basis with a faculty supervisor, internship site supervisor, and the Career Center to design, implement and evaluate their academic experience. The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 399: Independent Study in Studio Art

Advanced creative research for students preparing for the senior exhibition or doing honors projects. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 403: Image Design

This course will explore cinematic image design through hands-on workshops, film and video exercises, readings, screenings, discussion, and critique. Students will study foundational composition principles, learn new techniques in cinematography and lighting, and create short film and video projects that showcase the creative use of composition to create meaning. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 403
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 440: 16mm Filmmaking

Explore the artistic use of analog film in the digital age! In this hands-on course, students will learn the fundamentals of 16mm motion picture production and post-production, practicing both traditional and contemporary workflows with an emphasis on creative use of the medium. PREREQUISITES: FIST 100 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 440
Prerequisite: FIST 100 or consent of instructor

ART 500: Advanced Painting

A continuation of ART 300. Advanced research into the technical, formal, conceptual, and theoretical approach to painting as an expressive art form. The emphasis is for each student to produce a self-designed project that focuses on creating a cohesive body of work. PREREQUISITES: ART 300 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 300 and consent of instructor

ART 501: Junior Studio Art Practicum

This course assists in the research, planning, design, and preparatory development of the junior level studio art major as they begin the process of conceptualizing and creating a mature body of work for the senior exhibition and/or honors projects. The "why and how" of art practice will also be addressed. This course will be taught as a seminar with a studio component. May be repeated once for credit. PREREQUISITES: Any 500-level studio art course or consent of instructor
Units: 3 OR 6
Prerequisite: Any 500-level studio art course or consent of instructor

ART 512: Advanced Drawing

An advanced exploration of drawing as a contemporary art medium with an emphasis on more complex self-expression and conceptual development. Current themes in contemporary visual culture will be examined as a place for students to contemplate his or her own voice in the continuum of the drawing discipline. PREREQUISITES: ART 312 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 312 or consent of instructor

ART 520: Advanced Printmaking

A continuation of ART 320, exploring advanced research into combination printmaking techniques, with exploration of formal, theoretical, and technical issues related to printmaking as an expressive art form. Alternative and experimental processes are used to further develop the conceptual and visual narrative. The emphasis is for each student to produce a self-designed project that focuses on creating a cohesive body of work. PREREQUISITES: ART 320 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 320 and consent of instructor

ART 522: Advanced Artist Books

A continuation of ART 322, exploring advanced research into combining book making techniques, with exploration of formal, theoretical and technical issues related to artist books as an expressive art form. Alternative and experimental processes are used to further develop the conceptual and visual narrative. The emphasis is for each student to produce a self-designed project that focuses on creating a cohesive body of work. PREREQUISITES: ART 322
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 322

ART 530: Advanced Photography

A continuation of Art 330 with instruction in advanced analog photography practice within a contemporary art context. Project planning and implementation are emphasized as students work toward producing a self-designed project with a developed artist statement. The history of photography and contemporary art issues related to the medium are examined through readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. PREREQUISITES: ART 330 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 531
Prerequisite: ART 330 and consent of instructor

ART 540: Advanced New Media in Art

A continuation of Art 340 using new media at an advanced level. Digital photography, experimental video, social media, performance, and installation are covered while using the Internet and campus spaces as venues for projects. Contemporary art discourse is examined through projects, readings, lectures, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, and visiting artist presentations. Mac-based. PREREQUISITES: ART 340 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 540
Prerequisite: ART 340 and consent of instructor

ART 550: Advanced Ceramics

A continuation of Art 350. Students conduct individual work on a topic related to contemporary ceramic practice, while expanding technical skills and addressing issues in current ceramic criticism. Project planning and implementation are emphasized to develop a cohesive body of work. PREREQUISITES: ART 350 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 350 and consent of instructor

ART 570: Advanced Sculpture

A more refined continuation of the ideas, issues and skills addressed in ART 370. Individualized project planning and implementation are emphasized as students develop a unique and consistent body of work. PREREQUISITES: ART 370 and consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ART 370 and consent of instructor

ART 585: Art in the Elementary and Secondary Schools

A seminar on teaching art in the elementary, middle, and high school. Emphasis on curriculum planning, methods of instruction, and assessment of learning. PREREQUISITES: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560 history courses
Units: 2
Also listed as Education 585
Prerequisite: Taken concurrently with EDUC 560 history courses

ART 590: Tutorial in Studio Art

Offered for intermediate and advanced study in studio art. Apply to the instructor at least one term in advance with written proposal and a preliminary bibliography. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 591: Directed Study in Studio Art

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 595: Internship in Studio Art

The internship will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic process and growth. It will encourage innovation and resourcefulness while facilitating an entrepreneurial and informed approach to future creative pursuits. Students should expect to gain "real world" experience and professional connections as well as skills and insights they can apply directly to their creative projects in the classroom and beyond. Students will work on an individual basis with a faculty supervisor, internship site supervisor, and the Career Center to design, implement and evaluate their academic experience. The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 599: Independent Study in Studio Art

Advanced creative research for students preparing for the senior exhibition or doing honors projects. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 600: Studio Art Senior Seminar

Intended to serve as a capstone experience for students in studio art, this course is designed to complement and work in conjunction with the student’s preparations for the Senior Exhibition. It will cover the practical concerns relevant to working as a professional artist along with current issues pertinent to the contemporary art world. PREREQUISITES: Senior standing and declared major in Studio Art or consent of the instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Senior standing and declared major in Studio Art or consent of the instructor

ART 601: Senior Studio Art Practicum

This course helps facilitate the studio art majors' preparations for the senior exhibition departmental requirement by immersion in the creation and exhibition of a body of work. Guidance by visiting art professionals strengthens students' synthesizing of information, ideas, and conceptual concerns. The "why and how" of art practice will also be addressed. This course will be taught as a seminar with a studio component. May be repeated once for credit. PREREQUISITES: ART 600
Units: 3 OR 6
Prerequisite: ART 600

ART 690: Tutorial in Studio Art

Offered for intermediate and advanced study in studio art. Apply to the instructor at least one term in advance with written proposal and a preliminary bibliography. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 691: Directed Study in Studio Art

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 695: Internship in Studio Art

The internship will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic process and growth. It will encourage innovation and resourcefulness while facilitating an entrepreneurial and informed approach to future creative pursuits. Students should expect to gain "real world" experience and professional connections as well as skills and insights they can apply directly to their creative projects in the classroom and beyond. Students will work on an individual basis with a faculty supervisor, internship site supervisor, and the Career Center to design, implement and evaluate their academic experience. The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

ART 699: Independent Study in Studio Art

Advanced creative research for students preparing for the senior exhibition or doing honors projects. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.