The Campus Assessment, Referral, and Evaluation (CARE) Team

The Campus Assessment, Referral, and Evaluation (CARE) Team identifies and addresses concerns related to student success including safety, barriers to continued enrollment, and degree completion.  

The team will carry out the following duties:  

  1. Share information regarding students of concern and assess their risk;  
  2. Work in collaboration with relevant campus resources to develop tailored strategies that address each student's unique needs; and  
  3. Monitor and assess campus trends or events that may negatively impact campus safety/climate.

When You Need an Emergency Response

When a student:

  • is a victim of a crime
  • appears to pose imminent danger to self or others
  • demonstrates behavior that makes you feel unsafe
  • has a major injury

Emergency Situations

Emergency situations on campus such as natural disasters, public health concerns, extreme violent or suspicious behavior (gun or bomb threats) are managed through the Campus Safety office. As in any potentially dangerous situation, please call Campus Safety at 920-832-6999 or 911.

Campus Safety also provides education and outreach to the LU community and responds to persons who may suffer from mental health distress and/or may pose a harm to self or others.

Contact Campus Safety or the Police

Campus Safety




If you call 911, a dispatcher will listen to your concern and determine an appropriate response. Please clarify the location of the emergency to help the dispatcher respond appropriately. If you call 911, please then call Campus Safety to inform them you have contacted the police.

Please submit alerts on students through Navigate.

If the student or the community is in imminent danger, or if the student is at imminent risk to harm self or others, call 911 then Campus Safety at 920-832-6999 for immediate assistance.

Bias Incident Reporting Procedure

What is a Bias Incident?

A bias incident is a disrespectful, hostile or harassing act that has a negative impact on an individual’s educational and/or work experience and is directed at an individual or group because of their actual or perceived membership in a particular identity group. These acts often are rooted in and perpetuate stereotypes while reinforcing institutional and cultural barriers to the success of individuals from groups historically underserved by higher education. To be considered a bias incident, the act is not required to be a crime, nor does it have to violate university policy.

Report a Bias Incident.

When You Need Information for Non-Emergency Concerns & Consultation

In general, it is encouraged that the student reach out to these areas as well to seek assistance.

Personal Crisis/Community Distress

  • personal tragedy or significant event
  • harassment or bullying (sexual referred to Title IX)
  • activities or events that have an impact on the safety of the student or campus community
  • isolation from other students
  • disruptive behavior in any campus location outside of class 

Student Life is available to consult on how to respond to all concerns of this type. Each situation will be reviewed to ensure the appropriate intervention is in place. When necessary, students of concern will be encouraged and/or required to meet with Student Life staff.

Contact the Dean of Students or Campus Safety

Dean of Students Office

Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

After Hours: Campus Safety


Academic Difficulty

  • poor attendance or performance
  • low or no engagement in the classroom
  • student is seeking to take a leave or withdraw
  • accommodations
  • disruptive behavior in a class 

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) is available to parents/families for consultation regarding their student’s academic concern. In most cases, students will be encouraged to meet with the CAS staff to discuss the issue.

Contact the Center for Academic Success or Faculty Advisor

Center for Academic Success (CAS)

Seeley G. Mudd Library, 2nd floor
Walk-in hours

Faculty Advisor

Academic Dishonesty

  • honor code violation

The Honor Council is a group of at least 10 Lawrence students who work on behalf of the entire Lawrence community to uphold the Honor Code and to encourage fair and honest academic work. The council functions as an educational resource and as a judicial body, convening hearings in response to alleged violations of the Honor Code.

Contact the Honor Council

Physical/Mental Health

  • stress, anxiety, and/or depression
  • suicidal thoughts or emotional disturbances
  • grief
  • sleep or eating concerns
  • illness or injury

Wellness Services is available to consult on how to respond to student health concerns. Urgent cases will be assisted immediately. Counseling is not able to provide outreach to students. Urgent appointments are available Monday–Friday, 8:00 am– 4:00 pm.

Contact Wellness Services

Monday-Friday, 8:00-11:30 am and 1:00-4:00 pm
24-hour counseling line: 920-419-8167

Title IX and Other Sexual Misconduct

  • Sexual Harassment and Retaliation as defined under the Title IX Grievance Policy
  • Other Non-Title IX sexual Misconduct: related to gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or other gender based harassment not involving conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Note: Discrimination and sexual harassment on any bases covered by Federal anti-discrimination statutes is unlawful and a violation of applicable Lawrence University policies. 

Faculty and staff are required to report all issues of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Note: The Title IX Coordinator is deemed the Official with Authority (OWA):  defined as the employee vested with the explicit responsibility to implement corrective measures for sexual harassment and/or retaliation on behalf of Lawrence University. Click here for more information.

Contact the Title IX Office

Coordinator of Equity & Title IX
Room 93 Brokaw Hall

The Early Alerts Team

Brittany Bell, Dean of Students, Co-Chair
Curtis Ferguson, Dean of Strategic Enrollment, Co-Chair
Jacklyn John Fischer, Associate Dean of Academic Success and Director of Academic Advising, Co-Chair
Chris Clarke, Vice President for Student Life
Michelle Detwiler, Athletics Representative
Ryan Gebler, Director of Financial Aid
Richard Jazdzewski, Dean of Wellness Services
Steph Knoppa, Director of Residential Education and Housing