Choir Auditions for Fall 2024


Welcome back!  We are excited to make music together. Here is the information you need to prepare for your fall choral experience.

Audition Information

  • New student auditions are offered in 10-minute segments.  Auditions are held during Welcome Week.  Schedule will be shared with you.  Sign-up sheet will be at the Welcome Table in the Conservatory atrium Monday-Wednesday of Welcome Week.
  • Returning student auditions for Concert Choir and Cantala for those who have not yet completed an audition – please sign up for an audition time on Monday, September 9, 2024.  We would like to check your vocal range, aural skills, and sight-reading.
  • Returning students interested in Viking Chorale who did not complete a placement in the spring – please email Dr. Gravelle ( to let her know of your intent to return!  She will make sure you have the information needed for fall placement hearings.
  • Additional note for returning students - if you feel your range has changed significantly, or if you would like to meet with us to discuss anything, we are happy to set up a Zoom meeting this summer or schedule an in-person meeting in September.  Please just drop us a note to let us know.


If you are auditioning for Cantala, Concert Choir, or LU Vocal Spectrum, or if you're pursuing a voice-primary major (such as choral music education or vocal performance), you will need to complete the full choral audition (see below). A major factor in your successful audition for these ensembles will be how accurately and musically you prepare an assigned musical excerpt to perform.  We will post the excerpt in late August.  We want to see how comfortable you are teaching yourself a short amount of choral repertoire. 

If you are interested in Viking Chorale, we will use your audition time to check your happiest vocal range.  There is no formal audition testing, no sight-reading, no prepared excerpts.  If you are a returning student who wishes to continue singing in Viking Chorale, please email Dr. Gravelle directly - no need for an additional sign-up.

New students, here’s what the full audition looks like (for all choirs except Viking Chorale):

1. We’ll let you into the room when we’re ready.  It’s best to arrive a few minutes early and take a few deep breaths.  You’re going to do great!
2. We’ll start with a conversation.  We’re excited to speak with you. 
3. We’ll move to vocalizing you throughout your range.
4. We’ll then try to find your voice’s healthiest range (where it likes to hang out, so to speak).  You’ll sing “My Country Tis of Thee” in a range of keys.  If you’re not familiar with that song, please click HERE to get a copy. 
5. We’ll move next to some ear-training games.  We’ll play some intervals on the piano and ask you to sing them back.  We’ll play a chord on the piano and ask you to sing the lowest, highest, or middle notes. 
6. Finally, we’ll move to some sight-reading exercises.  We’ll suggest a line from a document on the music stand, and ask you to clap through the rhythms.  We’ll suggest a line from the document on the music stand and ask you to sight-sing the melody (we’ll give you the starting pitch and ask you to sing it unaccompanied). 
7. Please look through and prepare the assigned score (to be posted in late August).  We will ask you to sing through it to learn how you prepare music on your own.  

And that's it! This isn't a competition, and we're not here to ascertain if you have "it." We're here to celebrate what you know, figure out what you don't yet know so we know what to teach, and help you find the right choir for this year. Enjoy the process, sing with pride, and help us get to know you!

Required Concert Attire

Concert Choir and Viking Chorale

Concert attire is concert black. This means dress slacks or skirt, black top (at least three-quarters sleeve). Dresses or skirts should hit at ankle-length;  if they don't, black tights or nylons are expected. All students should wear closed-toed black dress shoes (no flip-flops). Black socks, tights, or nylons should be worn. Short heels are fine. 

Cantala and LU Vocal Spectrum

Specific attire details TBD.