Alumni Perspective
“Obviously, in Pentiment my actual specific education has been very valuable, but the thing...I tell [younger gaming industry designers] is the most valuable skill they can have is the ability to make good decisions, and that requires critical-thinking skills. I think my Lawrence education more than anything gave me that foundation.”
Josh Sawyer ’18, Design Director at Obsidian Entertainment
Costa Mesa, California

Produce an original work of history
From the Newberry Library in Chicago to the National Archives, participate in and pursue opportunities to access the greatest libraries and archives in the country for original research projects.
The Chandler Senior Experience
The Practice of History is a collaborative one-term seminar in which you produce your own original work of history.
Recent Senior Experiences include:
- Bob & Bing Do Their Thing: White, Middle-Class Masculinity in World War II America”
- Boxer Jack Johnson and the 1910 Mann Act: A Knockout Act in Two Parts
- Peace, Politics and the Vortex: The Cultural and Political Consequences of Oregon’s Only State-Sponsored Rock Concert
- Josephine Butler: from Philanthropy to Political Activism"
- The Development of the Nazi Concentration Camp System
- The Translation of Memory: Accounts of Female Sent-Down Youths’ Experiences of Sexuality in Chinese and English Memoirs
- Cuckoldry and the ‘Gone for a Soldier’ Narrative: Infidelity and Performance among Eighteenth-Century English Plebeians
- A Larger, Brighter Life: Radical Literature and the Motivations of the First Russian Terrorists

Explore History Outcomes
Developing the skills of a historian paves the way for graduate study and a wide array of careers from policy making and research to archives management to business and more.