Will Piper, a social studies teacher at University School of Milwaukee in River Hills, is being honored by Lawrence University with the 2023 Award for Outstanding Teaching in Wisconsin.
The annual honor recognizes a secondary school teacher each year with a monetary award and a citation of excellence, presented during the Baccalaureate Service held on Commencement weekend.

Will Piper
Teachers are nominated by Lawrence seniors who attended school in Wisconsin, and recipients are selected by a committee of education faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Conservatory of Music. The award honors teachers who create a sense of excitement for and enthusiasm about learning; actively engage students and motivate them to do their best work; contribute to the well-being of their school and its community; and are committed to the personal growth of their students.
The teacher education program readies you to teach in diverse settings and connect your subject matter with broad human concerns.
Piper was nominated by senior Nick Mayerson, who will be receiving a bachelor of arts degree with a major in government and a minor in history.
“Mr. Piper engaged me in a world beyond the walls of the classroom in a way no teacher had before him,” Mayerson wrote in his nomination. “Every activity was meticulously planned to evoke an unbounded curiosity about the diverse groups of people that live on this Earth.”
Piper will receive the award on June 10.