D-Term courses are focused, experiential learning classes not offered during the academic year. Classes are small in size and led by a Lawrence faculty member.

On-campus courses include workshops, fieldwork, or travel to sites or activities within a day’s drive of Lawrence. Travel courses take you to locations around the world for hands-on learning in an immersive setting. Look for courses coded DECM when registering.

Current D-Term Offerings

Check back as more courses are being added.

On-Campus Courses*

DECM 122 Food Politics and Culture (William Hixon)

This course examines political and cultural forces that shape what we eat as well as implications for public health and the environment. Course material includes academic writing, food writing, and popular commentary, and students will undertake cooking projects based on course themes.

DECM 137 Writing Your Life (Helen Boyd-Kramer)

An intensive writing seminar for those seeking to write memoir, creative non-fiction, or other self-reflective prose. We will be writing, reading, and editing shorter daily pieces while developing a major theme or idea.

DECM 141 Improve Learning & Memory (Bob Williams)

In this seminar, students will study findings from the learning sciences and apply them in exercises designed to enhance learning and memory. Students will use the results of these exercises to explore the success of various learning strategies and discuss how they might be applied in their other Lawrence courses.

DECM 144 The Science of Super Heroes (Megan Pickett)

A seminar course that examines the good, the bad, and the indifferent approaches to science in popular super hero films (particularly the Marvel and DC Universes). No science background or prerequisites required.

DECM 148 Intro to Tropes and Stereotype (Austin Rose)

Tropes and character types have come down through the advent of western theatre and media to the present day. These characters have represented, and often embarrassed, those they portray from the earliest theatrical performances through international blockbuster films worldwide. Exploring their use and evolution of the good, the bad, and the ugly of various stereotypes will enlighten their perpetuation or suppression in future media.

DECM 150 World Energy Markets (David Gerard)

Amidst the dual threats of war in western Europe and the prospects of catastrophic climate change, energy systems are at the fore of world attention. This course surveys world energy systems and markets, particularly the U.S. electricity system. The focus will be on a quantitative characterization of world energy sources and uses, along with theoretical and qualitative treatments of the economics and politics of world energy integration. Pending availability, classes will feature guests from business, government, and the academy.

DECM 153 Exploring Radio Drama (Timothy X. Troy)

In our workshop, we will listen to and review scripts from the Golden Age of radio drama (1940s-1960s) and continuing into the vibrant era of BBC productions (1970s-1980s). We will then sample from popular podcast-based dramas. Our experience culminates in

writing and producing a short, original radio play created by each student; using each other as actors and collaborators.

DECM 155 Dramatic Worldbuilding (Aaron M. Sherko)

In this workshop course, we will explore how worlds and settings are created for audiences in a variety of media, including theatre, games, art, movies, and novels. Dramatic Worlds are exciting homes for some of our favorite stories. To succeed, they need to be both evocative and understandable. Students will study worlds they love and create their own. No experience necessary; curiosity is required.

DECM 238 AI Winter (Acacia Ackles)

In the 1960s and again in the 1990s, AI research reached a fever pitch, and then abruptly collapsed in a so-called “AI winter”. In this course, we will discuss the AI climate that led to winters of the past, examine the “AI Spring” of the present, and ask ourselves: is another winter around the corner? Discussion-based seminar. No prior experience in computer science required.

*Courses with less than 5 students enrolled by October 23 will be cancelled.