Sarah Phelps (Primo teacher-conductor) is an alumna of Lawrence University (2007), where she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Music degree in choral and general music education. She teaches elementary school music in the Appleton Area School District, where she also serves and an Arts Integration mentor and a Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching point person and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Education from UW-Oshkosh. She enjoys collaborating with Lawrence students as clinicians and previously served as the manager for the Intermezzo Girl Choir (now the Capriccio and Arioso choirs). Phelps is a member of the National Association for Music Education, Wisconsin Music Educators Association, and Wisconsin Choral Directors Association. She is an advocate for the Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance teaching model. Phelps enjoys remaining active in the community by singing in the New Voices choral ensemble as well as serving on the Mile of Music Festival's Music Education Team.