Five Lawrence University faculty members have been named to endowed teaching positions beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.
Milwaukee-Downer College and College Endowment Association Professorship: Lori Hilt ’97, a professor of psychology who has been on the Lawrence faculty since 2011, has been named to this endowed professorship. It was established in 2009 through the combination of professorships that came to Lawrence as part of the Milwaukee-Downer College Trust in 1964.

Lori Hilt
Hilt received the 2023 Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activity Award from Lawrence, one of three faculty honors presented at the recent Commencement. A licensed clinical psychologist, much of Hilt’s research has focused on adolescent depression, rumination, and self-injury. She was the recipient of a three-year, $368,196 grant from the National Institutes of Health in 2019 to study adolescent rumination, focused on ages 12 to 15. In 2021, she received a subaward for more than $51,000 through Harvard University from the National Institutes of Health to serve as an expert on a five-year clinical trial on youth mental health.
Patricia Hamar Boldt Professorship in Liberal Studies: Scott Corry, a professor of mathematics who has been on the Lawrence faculty since 2007, has been named to this professorship, established in 1989 by Patricia Hamar Boldt ’48. Boldt’s commitment to the mission and traditions of the college and to the benefits of a liberal arts education are reflected in the focus of this professorship.

Scott Corry
Corry has served as chair of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science and has led the faculty committee studying a reset of the First-Year Studies program. He has taught calculus, algebra, number theory, and geometry courses while pursuing his research interests in analogies between Riemann surfaces and finite graphs.
Alice G. Chapman Professorship in Physics: Matt Stoneking, a member of the physics faculty since 1997, has been named to this endowed professorship, first established in 1925 at Milwaukee-Downer College. The endowed chair is made possible through gifts by Alice G. Chapman, a trustee of Milwaukee-Downer from 1902 to 1935. These gifts were supplemented by a bequest from Chapman in 1936.

Matt Stoneking
Stoneking has done extensive research on thermal equilibrium in non-neutral plasmas. In 2022, he received a three-year, $431,200 grant from the National Science Foundation to support his research, including collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Germany.
David and Julia Uihlein Professorship in Ethics: Ingrid Albrecht, on the philosophy faculty since 2013, has been named to this professorship, established in 2020 by gifts from David and Julia Uihlein. This fund reflects the couple's appreciation for liberal arts education and deep gratitude to Lawrence.

Ingrid Albrecht
A specialist in ethics and moral philosophy, Albrecht has taught courses ranging from existentialism and ethics to feminism and philosophy and biomedical ethics.
David and Julia Uihlein Professorship in Studio Art: Ben Rinehart, a professor of art who has been at Lawrence since 2006, has been named to this professorship, which was established in 2021 by gifts from David and Julia Uihlein. This fund reflects the couple’s appreciation for liberal arts education and deep gratitude to Lawrence.

Ben Rinehart
Rinehart specializes in socially charged images with an emphasis on printmaking, book constructions, painting, and drawing. His work is included in numerous public and private collections and has been exhibited both nationally and internationally. He’s the author of Creating Books & Boxes, a book that explores a range of art techniques.