Main Hall cupola lit up at night following the Inauguration ceremony of President Laurie A. Carter

Lawrence University President Laurie A. Carter has been named to the board of directors of The Annapolis Group of Liberal Arts Colleges, an organization that supports the work of about 130 independent liberal arts colleges across the country.

The group helps member schools promote a greater understanding of the value and goals of a liberal arts education.

Carter became president of Lawrence in July 2021. Her board position with The Annapolis Group comes as Lawrence is celebrating the 175th anniversary of its founding in 1847. Carter also serves as a Commissioner for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and was previously a member of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities Board of Directors.

“At Lawrence, we believe strongly in the ideals of a liberal arts education, and I look forward to serving on the board of an organization that shares that commitment and vision,” Carter said.

President Laurie Carter on Main Hall Green

Lawrence University President Laurie A. Carter

The Annapolis Group has been working with its member schools to promote collaboration and the sharing of ideas and best practices since 1983. In addition to Lawrence, participating colleges and universities include Amherst College, Colby College, Carleton College, Oberlin University, and the University of Puget Sound.

“Here at The Annapolis Group of Liberal Arts Colleges, we believe that a liberal arts education offers students the most valuable preparation for a lifetime of meaningful and productive work in an ever-changing world,” the group states on its website. “Our institutions provide the framework for students to develop their intellectual and personal capacities, strengthen their commitment to civic responsibility, and promote personal growth and happiness.”