Home Team Roster Recruitment Info For Parents and Friends Schedule


As a club, the majority of our team consists of people who have never rowed, but wanted to try it out. Our team consists of college and conservatory students, athletes, and non-athletes alike. Members join for a full range of reasons, to compete seriously with other schools, to get in better shape, or just to have fun. All new rowers begin their novice year with learning the basics of rowing every morning or afternoon. We practice as often as most varsity teams because we have to be ready to race schools like Purdue, Northern Michigan University, Marquette University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison.
As a club team, the LU Rowing Club is operated by students and volunteer coaches. Our advisor and the university provide support, but the team keeps the club running. Our success is determined by how much the team puts forth in practices, planning, and fundraising to get to the competitions.

If you are interested in rowing, please email our Recruitment Chair, Emily Teerink.


You can also fill out the form if you would like:

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Athletic Information:

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