Lectures on mathematical background

The textbook we are using this term gives a pretty minimal overview of the mathematical concepts needed for computer graphics. The textbook we had used for this course previously, Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics by Steven J. Gortler, gave a much more thorough discussion of the mathematical background needed for computer graphics.

Below you will find a series of mini-lectures based on material from the Gortler text. These lectures will repeat some of the information given in our text, as well as provide more detailed explanations and additional examples to supplement the material from our text.

You should still read chapter three in our textbook, as the authors of our text do provide a discussion of how to implement many of the necessary mathematical calculations in glm and in the OpenGL shader language. The lecture notes posted below do not include any coverage of those topics.

  1. Coordinate Systems
  2. Composing Linear Transformations
  3. Homogeneous Coordinates
  4. Coordinate frames (including the eye coordinate frame)
  5. Projections