Kony 2012

Help us raise awareness and support bringing justice to Kony. read more...


Syria referendum goes ahead amid military onslaught

Syria changes constituition during the midst of a civil war. read more...


Could Cuba be drastically changing their lifestyle?

It is reported that Cuba could become a capital driven country prior to the communistic views of before. read more...


Our neighbors in Pakistan still needs our help

It has been weeks since the flood. But there are still millions of people still in need of help. read more...

(click here for ways to help them)


Cholera outbreak in Haiti

Since the earthqute in January 2010, the Haitians are facing more and more devastations. read more...

(Look out for ACC's bake sale to help them)


Egyptian Revolution

The people of Egypt demands a change, they can wait no longer. Violence and protest takes to the street as thousands merge for a new dawn. The revolution has begun!!! read more...