FLU (Fiddlers of Lawrence University) is a low-key, fun fiddling group for anyone who wants to jam, learn tunes, and expand their musical comfort zone! We meet on Wednesday nights at 6 pm, bring in guest performers, and perform a few times a term.

​Interested in joining Fiddlers of Lawrence University?

Participation is not limited to violinists; people also have come and played guitar, mandolin, cello, bass, banjo, tin whistle, harp, and so much more! We learn all our tunes by ear so no need to know how to read music! Meetings (Wednesdays at 6pm, Shattuck 4) are open to any and all that want to come learn in a low-key, fun environment!

​FLU Mission

The Fiddlers of Lawrence University strive to:
  • Provide an opportunity for musicians of any experience level to play music in a fun, stress-free environment
  • Broaden musical skills through aural learning of a variety of non-classical styles such as old-time, bluegrass, jazz, Irish, Scottish, Finnish, and more
  • Create a more holistic musical experience at Lawrence University for both musicians and audiences alike.