Recommended Security & Anti-virus Software

Instructions to uninstall Lawrence provided Kaspersky software:

Apple Mac Users

  1. Download the Kaspersky Uninstaller.
    This will download as a zip file into your Downloads folder (or wherever you have your browser set to store downloaded files). Open the zip file and run the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Uninstaller app.
  2. Download the Kaspersky Network Agent Uninstaller.
    This will download as a zip file. Open the zip file and run the Kaspersky Network Agent Uninstaller app.

Window Users

  1. Go to Start menu - Control Panel - Program and Features
  2. Select Kaspersky Agent from list and click Uninstall from top of screen.
  3. Follow prompts to uninstall software.

Install Sophos for Apple Mac users

Sophos Installation Instructions (Mac Users)

  1. Go to
  2. Click Get Started
  3. Fill in the required information
  4. The file will download as a .zip file.  You may have to click on the link if it doesn't start downloading on its own.
  5. When done downloading, double-click the .zip file to expand it.
  6. Double-click Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition to run the installer.
  7. Click Open/Continue/Agree prompts until the program installs.
  8. Click the shield Sophos icon by your clock and choose Update Now
  9. The update will be about 145MB.  Once it’s done you will be able to register.

Install Windows Security Software

Microsoft Security Essentials/Windows Defender Installation Instructions (Windows 7 and 8/8.1 users)

Windows 7 Users

  1. Download Microsoft Security Essentials from
  2. When the Microsoft Security Essentials download starts, click the Run button from the pop-up dialog box
  3. Once the download complete follow the setup prompts.

  4. Click Validate at the Validate prompt
  5. Click Install at the Install Microsoft Security Essentials prompt
  6. Click Finish
  7. Update Security Essentials once the Installation is complete (this must be completed with an active internet connection)
  8. Once the main Security Essentials Window has a (Green) "Computer Status - Protected" bar, your PC is fully updated with the latest anti-virus/anti-malware definitions available
  9. Click Close (X) when finished.


Window 8/8.1 Users

Note: The default setting in 8 /8.1 is to have Windows Defender on. To double check this setting follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Action Center. (Click/tap on the Action Center icon in the taskbar notification area or go to Control Panel and click/tap Action Center)
  2. Click/tap on the Turn on now (or Update Now) buttons for both Virus protection and Spyware and unwanted software protection messages, close Action Center, and go to step 3 below. (see screenshot below)Note: If you do not have the Virus protection or Spyware and unwanted software protection messages in Action Center then:
    Expand Security (drop-down arrow) – Select both "Turn on messages about virus protection" and "turn on messages about spyware and unwanted software protection"

  3. Windows Defender will now open with it's security status as green to let you know that Windows Defender is actively protecting your computer. (see screenshot below)

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Helpdesk at

FAQ: Viruses and Antivirus Software on Personal/Home Computers

Review the frequently asked questions below for helpful information pertaining to viruses and most antivirus software.

I think I have a virus on my computer - what do I do?

If you think you know what virus you have, you can first try and find out if there is a virus removal tool for that specific virus. If there is such a tool, we recommend that you use that tool first. Then, you need to install antivirus software to prevent that virus, or some other virus, from re-infecting your computer. If you do not know which virus is on your computer, it is best to obtain and install antivirus software and then run a complete system virus scan.

What software does Lawrence provide?

Lawrence University does not offer any anti-virus software, but we recommend the following. Faculty, staff, and students with personal Macintosh computers can download Sophos for free. For Windows users, Technology Services recommends using Microsoft Defender.

Does the Lawrence-recommended software come with a firewall?

No. The software provides antivirus protection only, although both Windows and Mac OS have built-in firewalls you could use.

What happens if I don't install the Lawrence-recommended antivirus software and then I get a virus?

That will depend on the nature of the virus; if the virus is disruptive to the campus network or computer systems, the ability to use your computer on the Lawrence network will be disabled. You will be contacted by Technology Services and asked to correct the problem.

I already have antivirus software - do I need Lawrence's software?

If you have a current, updated version of an antivirus product, then you do not need to install the Lawrence-recommended software. Many computer users have outdated antivirus software that provides little or no protection. Please make sure that your software is current and is being updated at least weekly. (Note that brand new Windows computers often come with a very limited demo version of some antivirus software. If you want to keep using that version, then you must subscribe to the product updates and pay for the software. Otherwise, it will expire and your computer will no longer be protected.)

I do not want to use the recommended software - what are my options?

You may purchase and install most any vendor's antivirus software on your computer. Just remember that you must keep it current for it to function correctly. Most vendors do require a regular subscription payment in addition to the original software purchase.

What are the system requirements for the Lawrence-provided software?

The software will work with Windows 7,  8, 10, and most versions of Mac OS X.

I use Linux - what should I do about virus protection?

At this time Lawrence University does not provide antivirus software for Linux systems. Due to the lower number of users of these systems and the types of viruses found to date, the threat on these systems is relatively low. Nevertheless, if you use Linux, Technology Services advises you do have some type of protection installed.