A restaurant review system

For our first programming assignment you and a partner are going to construct the backend for a restaurant review system. The primary purpose of this system is to collect and serve up customer reviews for restaurants.

What the system will do

Here is basic information the system will work with:

Detailed requirements

Here is more information on what will go into the restaurant reviews:

The system should also be able to display average ratings for each of the restaurants, along with the number of ratings the restaurant has received.

For your Spring Boot project you must use one or more @Repository classes that do all of their database interactions through JdbcTemplate objects.

Helpful hint

Here is some sample SQL code to show how to compute average ratings for restaurants. This code assumes that the database has a reviews table with restaurantid and quality columns:

select restaurantid, avg(quality) as quality from reviews group by restaurantid

How to turn in your work

When you are done with your project, make a database folder inside your Spring Boot project folder and use the Data Export feature in the MySQL workbench to export your database to this folder. Then, compress your project folder into an archive and upload the archive on the course's Canvas page.

I will also be asking each group to give a 10 minute presentation to demonstrate their system in operation. For this demonstration you will be using Postman to demonstrate all the features of your system in operation.