Starter Project

Starter project

Start by clicking the button above to download the starter project for this assignment.

A network of connections

The project folder I have provided contains a text file named "connections.txt". This file contains connection links for a network of nodes. Each line in the file takes the form

<source> <destination> <cost>

where <source> and <destination> are integer code numbers for nodes in the network, and <cost> is the integer cost of setting up that link.

The application you will write will load the data from the text file and display information about the links in a ListView.

When the application starts up you should display all of the links in the ListView.

I have set up the controller class for the project with an initialize() method. You should put the code to read the text file and put the links into the ListView in that method.

Below the ListView is a text field where the user can enter a node number. Clicking the "Show From" button causes the ListView to display only those links that have the given node as their source:

Selecting one of the links in the ListView and clicking the "Explore" button causes the node number to change to the destination node of the selected link and updates the ListView to display all of the links coming out of that new node.

Turning in your work

When you are done working on the project, compress the project folder into an archive and upload the archive to the Canvas page for the exam.

Unless you have an accommodation that grants you extra time on exams you should turn in work by 11:00. I will allow a short grace period of 10 minutes after 11:00 for you to turn in your work. If you turn your work late for the exam and do not have an accommodation I will assess a 25% late penalty.